How to earn...??

hen u become a member .....
u will get a similar website as i got.........with your postal address at # 5 position and mine at # 4 position as u joined under me
[webiste activation takes 24 hours]

Now when someone [let say X]..........will join under u,
he will send Rs 140 ........................[membership fee]
from which :

Rs 40 will be given to 2 admin ........................................
[for site maintenance and their earning]

u will get.....................................................[# 5]................ Rs 20
i will get......................................................[# 4].................Rs 20
who referred me[deepak] will get..................[# 3].................Rs 20
who referred him will get.............................[# 2].................Rs 20
and so.....on.................................................[# 1].................Rs 20

In simple :

each website are different.............
in ur website...............................ur address will be at # 5 position
in ur referrals website..................ur address will be at # 4 position
in ur referral's referrals website.....ur address will be at # 3 position

by just referring 10 people u will get ur postal address at thousands of website............
[under which many people will join and u will get money]

Keep Earning....Keep Enjoying.....!!!

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